Thursday, April 17, 2008

See it with your own eyes

See the aftermath of layoffs with your own eyes.

Originally saw this on Joe Hollak's blog.

If I am correct it depicts the layoffs at San Jose Mercury News.

I am a fan of the Merc, which is the paper that gets my $.50 on a nearly daily basis. Now in the past few months, I haven't been too happy with the Merc, as it seems like financial problems are becoming more noticeable. It's not so much the coverage, (but I have heard that it has not been as spectacular as in years past) but in it's presentation.

Firstly, I hate that the Scene section is now part of the B section most of the week. I have a routine with reading the paper, which involves the funnies, and it just annoys me that it is part of the local news section. There were some times when all the puzzles were separate from the comics.

And then the thing that really got me. In the middle of one of the Scene sections (when it was its own section) there was a half page. Really, a half vertical page.

I thought that something happened on accident, but it seemed like it was done completely on purpose. I am not sure why, but I am a big boy and can take a full page of news.

I don't know if any of this has to do with finances, but I am going to guess so. Maybe these are really big issues, but they did and do bug the crap out of me. Along with having to register for their website. I had to log in a few times, and eventually I got tired of it and just started going to the chronicle website for Bay Area news.

I am done with this rant. One final birthday wish to my girl. She deserves it.

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