Monday, April 21, 2008

My life changed in the sixth inning

Have you ever felt like you're in a rut? Of course you have, that's a stupid question, but I am in this rut where I am feeling extremely creative and artistic but can't translate it to a product.

It got worse in the sixth inning.

On a recent trip to visit one of my best friends in Sacramento I came upon one of the best booksales I have ever been too. I got several books on Life Magazine and thier photographers, with the most expensive one being $3.00. I have since poured over the pages of some of these books and been scouring the internet just looking at photos. Being an observer of the art of photography.

I have been trying to find something much different than what I see a lot of today, that reminds me of the old days.

I have drained the battery on my camera with three days of shooting this weekend, a news event, some landscape and a sporting event (which you can guess was baseball). And I don't think I got a single image I was happy with.

So why the sixth inning? That's when it happened. That's when I lost a huge part of my inspiration and a big reason why I am who I am today. It Didn't even involve a camera, though one was in my hand like last time. Didn't have anything to do with my assignment, though I was on an assignment last time.

The game was over in the sixth inning for me, and I am not talking about baseball.

We'll see how I can mature and develop over the next few months after this personal issue. For the first time in a long time, I have no clue where my life is going and with who. I wonder how it will affect my shooting, my writing and my motivation. I wonder how I will come out. I can't say that I am happy or feeling good right now, but I am excepting of what has happened and why.

But that's enough of me pulling the emo card. I usually hate this kinda crap, but I just got to for my own sanity get it out, even if I do it in a vague blog post.

But I will never forget the sixth inning.

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