Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Midnight post

I wanted to get a quick post before I hit the hay and not get nearly enough sleep.

Today was an interesting day.The new New York mayor, David Paterson, came out in a press conference today and admitted to cheating on his wife. Who cares?

I know his predecessor messed up big, and I do mean big, but is it necessary that the media hound each and every political figure. I mean, this guy didn't break the law, it was several years ago and his wife is still by his side. I would assume it is a sore subject between the two of them. Some will say we have to hold our political figures responsible for their actions, but what are we holding him responsible for? That was his wife's job. And personally I don't need to know about political sex lives.

Is the media just searching for blood? Are we trying to find anything that could possibly be seen as immoral and wrong, and just running with it? Hillary is being hounded for not releasing documents, which I can see as a little more understandable as she is running for president, but really how far up their butts do we need to be.

This is all just a little rant, and my two cents. On another note here is a link to Barack Obama's speech in response to the criticism he's faced over his pastor the past week. I was watching CNN earlier, and one of the analyst said that this could be one of the greatest days in American history because of that speech.

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