Sunday, December 31, 2006

The New Year

Ok, in about five hours we will bringing in the new year here on the west coast.It was a crazy year with an even crazier ending. And the funny part is that it hasn't even ended yet and has a whole lot of potential to get even crazier. Anyways I just wanted to get one last post before the end of the year. Lets do it right. Live Free.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

I love this job

One of the things about being a journalist is that everyday is new. I worked in a photo lab before steping into the world of news and I hated it by the time I left. It was repetitive, boring and low paying. I was ready for something new. Now this job can get repetitive, boring and is low paying, but it is fun. Working at a small paper, with a circulation well below 1000, you would think that not to many opportunities would present themselves. I tell you what, no matter how small a paper is, it is a lot of work to put one out, especially when you are responsible for photos and stories. And I have had some fun assignments. But anyways, yestarday I had an opportunity. I have been presented some awsome things on this job, stuff I would never do sitting behind a counter inhaling potentially cancer causing fumes. I got to ride in a helicopter. Now to some of you, big deal ehh? But for me it was awsome. I took pictures of PG&E putting "Cage Tops" on top of electrical towers by helicopter and they were kind enough to fly me up to watch and snap a few photos. So here I was sitting high above the orchards of Riverdale with the doors off of the helicopter and snapin' away. Best assignment I've been on, I tell you what. Well, maybe the most exciting, at the least. I just had to share.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Friday, December 15, 2006

The most important happenings in life, you never see coming. These are the turning points in life that jet you into another direction forcing you to find a your own path into an unknown direction. Those moments are unpredictable and unmesurable, everything your life is suppose to be.
No one said you asked to change or even wanted too, but you must. If you don’t make a decision, one will be made for you. I know I should have made a choice a long time ago, but didn’t, now I am being forced to change.
Everything you thought your life was, is not. Is it good or bad? I don’t know. Only time will tell you, but as Ben Harper said “It is time that has taken my tomorrows and turn them into yestardays.” So we don’t have much time to figure it out.
Me, I am in a forest with a map but no compass. Trees twirl their bare branches around my eyes hiding the sky and any indication of direction. But hey what’s the first thing you do when you are lost in the woods? YOU STOP. Then you go. I have stoped, now trying to guess which way to go.
I have a nice long winter break ahead of me and plan on making the most of it. I hope someone will come and find me, if not I will find myself. I have about a month till I start at Fresno State, a life changing begining that I did see coming, I really am excited to go, it’s like I am starting a new life. That might be a whole other forest but hey I will be there with branches in my hair if I have to.
For now I will search for the clearing in my forest and hope for the best. Losing the most important thing in life is the most hurt you will ever expierence, now I feel I can climb mountains. I have lost my love, my bestfriend and my hope all at one time. I am ready for anything. Bring it on.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Escape again...

This is the rest of the images that I turned in for my escape project. Tell me what you think please.

Saturday, December 9, 2006


This is about half the images I turned in for a project for my photojournalism class. We had to choose a word and come up with 20-28 images that display that word. My word was escape. Tell me what you think. And I know you can't read the captions below the photos very well, I am sorry.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Lets start this off right

So this is my first post in blog that will contain anything I please. I will be posting a lot of writing, photos and random stuff. So I hope you enjoy. Now lets get this off on the right foot with some words of wisdom from a wise, wise man.

"Don't eat the wedding cake,ever"
-The Mayor