Monday, July 4, 2011

Front page

Woke up today and saw that my photo of a kid who took mowing lawns to a more professional level, mentioned in the post below, made the front page today. A nice little surprise. I had made it on the front once before, but it was only for the first edition. Robbie was a great kid, and you should check out the story, which also has the video I shot for it.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Recent videos for The Star-Ledger

I'm starting to shoot video at The Star-Ledger now, which I really enjoy. I usually have to shoot stills and video at the same time, which is a juggling act. You're going miss a shot on either video or photo guaranteed. So the best thing I've found is, if the situation allows for it, split up the time. Dedicate the first part shooting stills and the second shooting video and just live with what you miss. But you're really not missing anything, because you got it on one or the other.

I'm shooting on the 5d Mark II, which is a dream to shoot with. At Columbia I used a separate audio recorder for sound, but now I'm using a Rode shotgun plugged straight into the camera or wireless mics plugged straight in. That seems to be working great, though if I was doing a really nice project, with a little more time, I would go back to the audio recorder.

You can see one video I did on a relay for life event here. I decided to focus on one person who survived and he was a great guy.

The second one is here. It's about an 11-year-old kid who started his own business mowing lawns, though he's taken it a step further than most kids.