Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Whoo-whoo are you looking at?

You know, sometimes I feel real lucky covering the rural parts of Fresno County. Often times, it seems that I come across stories that are not in existence in more populated areas. Things work different in the country parts.

The most difficult task, is finding these stories. To the right, and below, is young barn owls which were rescued at a winery in Madera, after its mother was found dead. Mrs. Mary Funk, who is a volunteer with the Fresno Wildlife Rehabilitation, was able to bring three owls into her class, before they dove into dissecting owl pellets.

Now this is no award winning story (I already received one from this class, as a CNPA Finalist for a story I did on them and their connection with a Ugandan school) , but I was able to come away with several interesting photos that can make up a strong photo essay. With the school season winding down, things will really slow down in the Twin City Times area, giving me a void that I will need to fill. I hope to fill these voids with photo essays, but we'll see. But the problem is how will I find these compelling essays, which could also lead to possible multimedia projects?

Anyways, here is to a summer that hopefully isn't too slow.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

It's Rodeo Season

This weekend will mark the 51st Riverdale Rodeo. Spring time in California means rodeo season. One of the bigger rodeos is the Clovis rodeo, which featured PBR riders this year.

Being a small town newspaper, the Riverdale Rodeo is a huge event for us and the community. The only thing is, it happens every year. So how do you shoot something that will be very similar to what you shot the year before? I also recently shot the Laton Rodeo, and no matter how cool shots on a a bull are, it is the same thing that has ran in the paper years before.

To keep this year from getting too repetitive I hope to try some different perspective at the rodeo grounds and possibly come away with a multimedia project including comentary from the riders themselves. But in the end how many different ways is there to shoot a rodeo? I will try and find that out this weekend.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Cowboy boots decorate the Veteran's Memorial Hall in Riverdale, Ca the night of the Riverdale Rodeo Association Kick-Off Dinner, the weekend before the rodeo. The rodeo queen is crowned, along with the rodeo princess.